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4-2 Module Four Assignment

4-2 Module Four Assignment

Q Overview In this assignment, you will analyze technological tools, their positive and negative impacts, the policies that govern them, and their scope of use. It’s important to take all of these considerations into account before implementing new tools in your agency. Prompt In this module you have explored the influence of technology on criminal investigations. You have also previously examined the pros and cons of tool usage and the policies that govern them. You will now bring these concepts together to complete your Module Four assignment. This application of knowledge will help you prepare for Project Two in Module Six, where you will create a new technology pitch for a law enforcement agency. • First, select three tools you have been exposed to in this course and identify what they are and how they work. • Next, describe the positive impacts of using each tool. o Consider positive impacts related to law enforcement, criminal investigations, and the community perspective. • Then, describe the negative impacts of using each tool. o Consider negative impacts related to law enforcement, criminal investigations, and the community perspective. • Finally, describe any policies or laws that currently exist to govern the use of each tool. o Are there any policies or laws that you think should be added to what currently exists? Specifically, the following rubric criteria must be addressed: • Select three tools and identify what they are and how they work. • Describe the positive impacts of using each tool. • Describe the negative impacts of using each tool. • Describe laws and policies for each tool that govern or should govern their scope of use. Guidelines for Submission This assignment must be completed using the Module Four Assignment Template Word Document. Any references should be cited in APA style. For more information on APA style, review the Shapiro Library APA Style Guide.

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Police Drones: Police drones are equipped with high-quality cameras and have excellent capability of zooming. Drones also have thermal cameras with which they can work efficiently even at night. They are used by the military for my years and proved very helpful in many areas of law enforcement. Departments are using Police drones in many tasks by observing everything from above. It gives officers a mobile eye in the sky. Police can observe large area in less time with the help of drones